Monday, August 21, 2017

How To Be Successful After Your Bankruptcy

If you have filed for bankruptcy you are probably wondering what your future financial picture will be painted. When you are in the middle of a financial crisis, it is hard to believe the future can be different or better. But the good thing about bankruptcy is that when your case is finished you get to start over, with a clean financial slate. Most people are able to rebuild their credit in a short amount of time after having filed for bankruptcy, but others fall victim to the same spending habits that caused them to file bankruptcy in the first place. If you want to avoid having financial problems after your bankruptcy case is finished, you need to know a few things about what to do after your case.

How to be successful after your bankruptcy depends on what you do, and here are some tips that will help you:

         Don’t take out new loans or credit cards unless you have the money to make the payments.
         Come up with a budget and be sure you follow it closely. If you are tempted to make impulse purchases, take some time to think about what you are considering buying before stepping up to the checkout register. Most times the impulse to buy subsides after time, and you are better able to decide if you can afford and truly need the item you are considering.
         Establish a savings or emergency fund. This will come in handy if you have an emergency and will save you from having to put big expenses on credit cards.
         Forgive yourself for past financial problems. It is easy to try and blame yourself for overspending or making unwise money choices, but now is the time to let go of that guilt and start anew.
Filing for bankruptcy will get you out of debt, but it is up to you to stay debt free after your case is over. We can give you pointers on what to do during and after your case, so you are able to reach your financial goals. If you need help with your budget and need to keep your creditors at bay, call us for help.

For more information about how to handle overwhelming debt, contact us today at We will help you come up with solutions that work for your family, and have multiple locations where we schedule appointments so you can make a choice that is convenient for you.

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