It might seem like some
things never end, especially when those things are not fun or cause you
anxiety. One of the most common causes of stress among Americans is debt. Most
of us have more debt than we can repay, and it only grows every day. If you
have been working with a creditor to come to a result on how to repay a past
due debt, you are probably wondering if you will ever pay off the loan and if
not, how long the lender will continue to pester you for payments. It seems
only fair that at some point, a debt has to die, and the creditor has to write
it off and stop collection efforts.
One way a lender will
stop trying to collect a debt is if you file for bankruptcy. When a bankruptcy case is filed and a discharge
is entered, the debt is no longer due. But what if you haven’t filed bankruptcy
or you have taken out new debt after your bankruptcy case was over? What
happens to those debts, and how long do creditors have to collect what is due?
The answer can be found by looking at the relevant statute of limitations. A
statute of limitations is a timeframe under which legal action must be taken,
and if it is not then it cannot. A good example is a car accident, where the
injured person only has a certain amount of time to file a lawsuit against the
negligent driver. If a lawsuit is not filed by the time the statute of
limitations expires, the Courts do not allow one to be filed later. The statute
of limitations for debt collection varies, depending on the type of contract
and type of loan. But be careful, because regardless of the time line, there
are some things you may be doing unwittingly that will start the clock running
new. These include:
Making voluntary payments on a
debt when asked to do so by the lender.
If you used a credit card
outside of the limitations time, that use will trip the statute and the time
will start running from the date of last use.
Sometimes a promise to pay
will start the clock, so be careful about what types of conversations you have
with your lenders or a collector.
One of the first things to look at if you
have been sued for a past due debt is whether the lawsuit was filed within the
statute of limitations. If it has not been, you can ask the Court to dismiss
the suit and upon dismissal expect that the lender will no longer bother you.
If you are being asked to pay a debt you believe is not legally due, according
to the statute of limitations, call our office today for more information. We
will look at the facts or your case, and take whatever action is needed to help
For more information about
statutes of limitation, call us today or reach us online at We offer appointments at multiple locations for
your convenience and can schedule a time to visit with you today.